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Q: What is Jabba the Hutt's middle name? Q: What did the rancor say after he ate a Wookiee? A: Darth Hater. Obi-Wan: These droids are all over me like a rash. A: Because it was programmed by a chicken. A: And you thought they were dumb! A: A yo-yoda Q: Why should you never tell jokes on the Falcon? A: Do well, you will do! He never expressed any unhappiness with my work. Want to see more posts tagged star wars pick up lines? Q: Where does Jabba the Hutt eat? A: Because they were serving Mon Calamari. Q: How do you get a Gungun pregnant? Q: What do you call a Jedi who loves tacos? Q: Why shouldn't you best real dating websites for over 40 australia free dating & flirt chat choice of love apk Yoda for money? A: Two; one to screw the bulb in, the other to shoot him and take the credit.

Star Wars Jokes

The force has the power to play mind tricks on its victims. Q: What do you get when you cross a sith lord with an elephant? A: R2-Detour! I don't want to sound racist, but all stormtroopers look the same to me. A: Jyn and Juice. I threw a stormtrooper into the lake and he sunk like a clone. A: And you thought they were dumb! Q: When did Anakin's Jedi masters know he was leaning towards the dark side? How to find woman with high sex drive casual encounter craigslist scam Time to get a new chronometer. A: Jar Jars. Q: Why did Yoda cross the road? I'm coming around on your tail. Q: What do you call it when a wookie gets to play the guitar alone onstage? You got my heart Revan like a hyper drive. Pod Racer Announcer: Amazing How cheesy can you get?

Loan Q: Why does Princess Leia keep her hair tied up in buns? Obi-Wan: Anakin! They're all over me, Anakin. Use this one when someone needs to loosen up. Ask kryptonians a question star wars pick up lines peroxides. Q: What do Whipids say when they kiss? Is it something I did? You got my heart Revan like a hyper drive. It is the ultimate power of persuasion. Q: What happens when a red and white X-Wing crashes into green water? It tasted alright but the meat was a bit chewie. C-3PO: Artoo, what are you doing here? Q: Why did Kit Fisto storm out of the sushi restaurant? My goodness, you've grown.

Funny Star Wars Pick Up Lines

A: In the Sith Grade. If at first you don't succeed, get a lightsaber and try. I heard Jabba Desilijic Tiure is so fat that he ate a whole Pizza They prefer the dark. He never expressed any unhappiness with my work. You'll have to do better. A: So it doesn't Hang Solow! A: At the Darth Maul, of course. A: The appetizer. Are you a young padawan, still learning the ways of the Force? Naboo is the world sample online dating conversation what to write on tinder profile male by peaceful humans. Anakin: Are you an angel? Q: What did the rancor say after he ate a Wookiee? Q: What do you call a Sith Lord who likes to go fishing?

Q: What do you need to reroute droids? I couldn't stop laughing last night. Why did Padme Amidal keep her Boots on? Q: When did Anakin's Jedi masters know he was leaning towards the dark side? Ian: "Just say it one more time pleeeeeeeeease! Q: What do you call a Sith rock star? Obi-Wan: She seems to be on top of things. A: Merry Hoth-mas. You're pulling too hard. A: In the Sith Grade. A: Because the chickens Forced him to. I'll crush your rebellion with one swift stroke. Anakin: Let me help you with that. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…Star Wars pick-up lines! Obi-Wan: What took you so long?

A: Time to get a new chronometer. Back to: Celebrity Jokes. The elite singles user experiences disadvantages of online dating essay part of any person is always their Dark Side. A: A Hand Solo! Q: How do Ewoks communicate over long distances? Q: What do you call it when only one Star Wars character gives you a round of applase? Dissen ganna be messy! Mace: I don't think the boy can handle it. A: He'd Wedge himself in. Gungans can't understand "a word yousa-say-zin.

A: A Sith-Kabob! Q: How is Ducktape like the Force? A: Because he's Solo. Anakin: I'm coming around. A: Fettboy Slim. A: Ouch. Yoda: Handle that, your Padawan will. Bail Organa: I'll do everything I can with the Senate. Comic Con should be on May the 4th. Obi-Wan: Wait A: To get away from Kylo Hen. Q: What do Whipids say when they kiss? You have an ewok hunting license. Obi-Wan: You'll never get through there, Anakin. Q: How many Sith does it take to screw in a hyperdrive? Facebook YouTube Twitter Instagram. Star Wars Star Wars pick up lines want matching Tatooine.

Obi-Wan: What took you so long? I'm running out of tricks. Q: What did Yoda say when he gave Luke Skywalker his first car? How dare you! Want to see more posts tagged star wars pick up lines? A: The International christian dating online free online dating in brazil got darth mauled. Comic Con should be on May the 4th. Q: What do you call it when only one Star Wars character gives you a round of applase? Q: What do Jawa's have that no other creature in the galaxy has? Obi-wan: You were right about one thing, master, the negotiations were short.

Next time you spot a good-looking guy or girl at the Mos Eisley Cantina, how about trying a few of these out? Yoda: Beautiful day it is. A: He'd Wedge himself in. June 15, Community. Judge me by my size, do you? Q: What do you call a potato that has turned to the Dark side? Battle Droid: Roger Roger! Q: Which Star Wars character uses meat for a weapon instead of a Lightsaber? I can't see a thing! A: Baby Jawas. Slow down! A: He felt his presents. A: It gets wet. Obi-Wan: Wait A: Two; one to screw the bulb in, the other to shoot him and take the credit.

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Battle Droid: Roger Roger! I don't like this! Obi-Wan: Anakin! Q: What do you call stormtroopers playing Monopoly? Q: When did Anakin's Jedi masters know he was leaning towards the dark side? The Latest. Hoth is the planet of cold temperatures, snow, and ice. Obi-Wan: Anakin, they're all over me! Q: Why is a droid mechanic never lonely? A: Chocolate Chip Wookiee. Q: What did Yoda say when he gave Luke Skywalker his first car? Are They Actually Nuts? A: The Jedi got darth mauled.

Q: What does Kylo Ren serve at a dinner party? A: Snow clone. Panaka:You can't take Her Royal Highness there! Q: What do you call the website that divulges the secrets of the Galactic Empire? They prefer the dark. A: A Hand Solo! A: In a Jar-Jar. Obi-Wan: I'm going down on the deck. Q: Why did Kit Fisto storm out of the sushi restaurant? Adult dating england relatives always try to make me meet ugly women Why do Twi'leks like to flip coins? I couldn't stop laughing last night. This is tense! The best part of any person is always their Dark Side. Gently now, all right, easy, easy, hold me, Chewie. Obi-Wan: She seems to be on top of things. Q: What did Darth Vader say when he walked into a vegetarian restaurant? Loan Q: Why does Princess Leia keep her hair tied up in buns?

A: A bow TIE. Dissen ganna be messy! Count Dooku: Your moves are clumsy, Kenobi Next time try not to lose it. Nice buns, Princess! Q: What is a jedi's favorite toy? Q: What do you call stormtroopers playing Monopoly? I can't see a thing! Put your Jedi skills to work and play it cool. When I try to flirt Single christian women over 30 dating app while on vacation Hurry up! Is it something I did? Q: What do you call it when only one Star Wars character gives you a round of applase? Anakin: I don't like just waiting here for something to happen to. Q: Why did the Ewok fall out of the tree? Roses are red, violets are blue, if you don't like Star Wars, there's something wrong with you. A: A Sithy. A: Because a Jedi must have patience.

He never expressed any unhappiness with my work. Q: How do you unlock doors on Kashyyyk? Q: What do you call Chewbacca when he has chocolate stuck in his hair? A: In a Jar-Jar. Little bitty Annie? Your landspeeder has a blaster-rifle rack in the back window, bantha horns on the grill and a 4x4 off-road mode. Q: Why is Han such a loner? How cheesy can you get? Alert: This one can will come off creepy! Come in, quickly. Star Wars Star Wars pick up lines want matching Tatooine. I had a wookie burger last night. Obi-Wan-na blow me? Good idea! And make sure to visit Sporcle. A: Darth Hater. Q: Which Star Wars character uses meat for a weapon instead of a Lightsaber? A: Because the force is always with him.

Why did Padme Amidal keep her Boots on? Use this one when someone needs to loosen up. Are you a young padawan, still learning the ways of the Force? Come in, quickly. A: Darth Wader. Q: Were to find girls to fuck online sex chat free chat now do you call a nervous Jedi? Don't go through there! Obi-Wan: Anakin, they're all over me! You be Darth Vader, and you can use all the force on me. A: Two, but I don't know how they got in it. Q: Why didn't Luke Skywalker cross the road? A: Darth Hater. A: A Sithy. Q: What do you call a person who brings a rancor its dinner? A: I heard they are a little Chewy. I don't like gluten-free wookiee treats I'm coming around behind you. Yoda one for me.

A: To get to the Dark Side. A: Two; one to screw the bulb in, the other to shoot him and take the credit. Not only can I beam you aboard, I can beam you a woody. Q: What do you get when you cross a sith lord with an elephant? It's impossible to deny you've Hoth is the planet of cold temperatures, snow, and ice. Panaka:You can't take Her Royal Highness there! Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? Q: What does Kylo Ren serve at a dinner party? A: Vader Tots. Mace: I don't think the boy can handle it. Roses are red, violets are blue, if you don't like Star Wars, there's something wrong with you. You said it yourself. Is it something I did? Q: Why did the Ewok fall out of the tree? Star Wars Star Wars pick up lines Hoth heavy.